Do you have an old computer that cant run any new operating system? Are you in search of finding the most lightweight OS for you? If yes you are In luck

Here is a list of the most lightweight Linux distros that you can download right now

01. Lubuntu

  • Minimal Ram: 128MB
  • Minimal cpu: Pentium 4, Pentium M or AMD K8
  • 32bit & 64 bit
  • Fork: Ubuntu

For those who wants a lightweight and usable OS can use Lubuntu.

Lubuntu is a operating system based on Linux and Ubuntu. Lubuntu core is based on the most popular user-friendly Linux distribution Ubuntu. For best performance Lubuntu uses minimal desktop LXDE and the pre-installed apps are lightweight

02.Linux Lite

  • Minimal Ram: 512MB
  • Minimal cpu: 700GHz
  • 32bit & 64 bit
  • Fork: Ubuntu

Linux lite is another lightweight distro.

Linux lite can run fast with less resources and CPU power so you can save up CPU power for other heavy load applications.

Linux lite is based on ubuntu LTS releases which offers longtime support five years for each release.

03. Damn Small Linux

  • Minimal Ram: 64MB
  • Minimal cpu: i486/AMD Min
  • 32bit & 64bit

Damn small linux is a very versatile 50 mb mini desktop targeted Lightweight linux distribution.

D.S.L(Damn.Small.Linux) has nearly a complete desktop and a small core of command-line tools

04. Xubuntu

  • Minimal Ram: 512 MB
  • 32bit & 64 bit
  • Fork: Ubuntu

Xubuntu is built with Xfce desktop environment and on Ubuntu hardware drivers.

For basic users with low-end computers Xubuntu comes with pre-built package to run everything that you require.

05. Tiny Core

  • Minimum Ram: 512MB
  • Minimum cpu: Pentium III

Tiny core is an lightweight OS and it is almost 16 MB, that’s even smaller than a small video.

Because of Tiny cores extremely tiny size nothing comes pre-installed so its not going to be a smooth ride   

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